Homeopathy provides a good natural solution for allergic rhinitis relief that is effective and without side effects- it works as a natural antihistamine.
The typical symptoms of hay fever are:
- nose and eye watery discharges
- bouts of sneezing, nose congestion
- For some people, it may even trigger difficulties in breathing.
In my clinic, several patients suffer from allergic rhinitis, and their symptoms are managed with homeopathy. Some children tend to have seasonal allergies and eczema, and seasonal allergies tend to aggravate the skin.
They find relief with safe, natural remedies that are safe for everyone, have no side effects, and are suitable for all age groups and pregnant women.
Below are some of the traditional homeopathic remedies used for hay fever relief. Many think of these remedies as homeopathic antihistamines for allergies.
These remedies are also useful for people suffering from any type of allergy that affects the nose or eyes and has similar symptoms.
Look through the remedies listed below to see which one matches your symptoms. You do not have to have all of the symptoms listed, but look for the ones that are more striking or have some similarity.
If you are using the Banerji Protocols, take them as prescribed. Those combinations have been proven to work well for the majority of people regardless of their symptoms.
If your symptoms do not improve after a couple of days, reassess them and choose a remedy that matches them more closely.
You can take them 2-3 times per day for a few days or every few hours if the symptoms are very severe. GIVE THE REMEDIES 2-3 DAYS BEFORE YOU CHANGE TO ANOTHER REMEDY!
For instance, on a bout of sneezing, you can take the remedy every 15 minutes for an hour to stop it and then you can spread it to every few hours.
For maintenance, a morning and evening dose is sufficient.
Remember that for the Banerji Protocols you do not need to differentiate remedies, use the remedies that are written down and use those specific potencies.
For a more classical approach to choosing the remedy, you may find that the remedy that suits you may not cover all of the symptoms you are experiencing.
Some of the symptoms could be slightly different, but overall, you feel that that remedy as a whole is suited to you.
Don’t worry if this happens! I have never found a patient that displays ALL symptoms of a remedy. Try that remedy and change to another one if it does not produce the results you want.
The Banerjies favourite remedies in homeopathy for allergic rhinitis for seasonal allergies or any other type of allergy:
- Arsenicum album 6c or Allium Cepa 30c twice daily or SOS if symptoms are very intense
- They also like to give Calcarea Carbonica 1M weekly to boost immunity
- For blocked nose, add Sanguinaria 200 twice daily
- Hepar Sulph 200+Sanguinaria 200 twice daily
If this does not work, try
- Kali Bich 30 twice daily for chronic infections and every 3 hours for acute ones
A combination of a variety of pollens from plants, trees and various types of grass can be used alone or in combination with another indicated remedy.
I use this remedy as a way to desensitize the patient to the pollens over the spring season with a deeper treatment to reduce the susceptibility.
Take twice daily during the season and can be added to any other combination.
This is an specific remedy if you are affected by Ragweed.
Hayfever with watery eyes and itching of the eyelids tend to accompany with other symptoms. They may be wheezing and irritation of bronchial tubes
People with ragweed allergies can experience food allergies due to “oral allergy syndrome” (OAS), where proteins in certain foods cross-react with ragweed pollen, causing symptoms like an itchy or tingly mouth. This happens as your immune system mistakes ragweed pollen as certain foods.
If you have a ragweed allergy, you may get symptoms when you eat these foods:
- Fruits:
- Bananas
- Melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew)
- Zucchini
- Cucumber
- Mango
- Other:
- Sunflower seeds
- Chamomile
- White potato
- Artichoke
- Echinacea

While there are many different ways to practice homeopathy, and we are abundant in different methodologies, the more experienced you are, the better you realise how themes or patterns find the same way in expressing symptoms regardless of the problem you are treating.
Homeopathy remains consistent across different methodologies. Once you move beyond keynotes and theoretical practices, you will attain a deeper level of understanding that is more rewarding for both you and your patients.
I find that whether I use the Banerji Protocols or single layers, physical pathology or emotional symptoms, I can recognise the expression of the remedies in the patients’ disease process.
This can only be achieved with extensive clinical experience, but this chart is one of your first introductions to it!
This is a small and simple example of how you can access that knowledge with Rhinitis symptoms!
The person needing this remedy may present with a strong burning sensation ( although not everyone will have this sensation) on the nose and very watery eyes.
Eyes watery, often red and irritated, although the lacrimation is bland. Burning and acrid watery nose discharges, nose and eyes are red- as if you have been cutting onions!
Violent sneezing may also happen alongside, and nose drips constantly.
Hay fever in Spring and sensitive to odours of flowers.
Symptoms are better when being outside and worse if the person is in a warm room.

Very watery eyes (as if swimming in tears) with acrid hot tears, which are better in the open air. On the contrary, the nasal discharge is bland.
The sunlight aggravates symptoms.
Euphrasia is one of these small therapeutic remedies that we may forget during hay fever, and it can be very helpful. It can look similar to Allium Cepa in the sense of copious lacrimation.
These are some of the characteristics that could be found in this remedy:
– Euphrasia has an affinity to the mucus membranes of the eyes and nose
-It produces watery eyes like swimming in tears
-it is helpful for inflammation of the eye, your eyelids can look swollen, or your eyes look red
– you may feel like often blinking as if something in the eye
-you may feel a burning sensation in the eye
But please remember! Those are characteristics that could be present or not! Don’t discharge the remedy just because you read “acrid discharges” in your Materia Medica or you have learned it as a Keynote of the remedy. You think about your symptoms and realise your eyes are very watery, but you do not have “acrid secretions that burn”, so you feel this remedy “is not a good fit” for your hayfever symptoms. I hear this big source of confusion from many people who have taken homeopathic courses or are studying homeopathy.
Remedies can be helpful on different levels; in my experience, those symptoms are not always present in the patient. We are lucky if one patient describes their eye symptoms like this! But most will say “watery eyes,” and the remedy also covers that because what is most important is that its primary affinity is the mucus membranes of the eyes, and the nose as the primary target of this remedy.
This is one of the most familiar remedies in homeopathy for allergic rhinitis patients.
This remedy can benefit those who suffer from bouts of sneezing that do not come to head, or in other words, what we will call abortive sneezing. Even looking at the flowers or thinking about them will provoke an attack of sneezing or increase the discharge.
Very sensitive to the smell of flowers.
There is a particular itching or ticking of the nose that often accompanies other symptoms. You may experience itching on the roof of the mouth.
The nose can feel very dry, and you may experience either one or the other nostril stuffed up.
This is one of the Banerjies’ favourite remedies for rhinitis weather it is from colds or seasonal allergies, and their preferred potency is 6c.
This is also a homeopathic remedy that tends to recur periodically, especially yearly. This makes it a prime remedy for seasonal allergies that happen every year.
However, a 30c is also very helpful for those who tend to feel short of breath or have asthmatic symptoms during seasonal allergies.
Symptoms are better when inside the house, keeping warm, and starting again fast after going out. Thin, watery, burning discharge from the nose and eyes.
Sometimes, you may feel short of breath and use an inhaler during the hay fever season.
The eyelids can look puffy and around the eyes can look swollen.
You may have plenty of sneezing but it does not provide any relief.
The nose can feel stopped up, although the nose is running.
You may have a runny nasal discharge that later can turn into a thick mucus discharge.
Constant tickling of the nose as if you had inhaled something and produces sneezing. You may be also sneezing even in bed and on waking in the morning.
This is for rhinitis that comes with a nose obstructed, and there may be a loss of smell.
The discharge is more fluid when you are out in the open air, but your nose gets stopped up when you are inside the house.
You may feel pressure on the root of the nose or the sinus.
If you need this remedy, you may have profuse lacrimation and frequently rub your eyes from burning or itching.
You may wake up in the morning with the eyelashes crusted or the lids red and swollen.
The eyes can feel dry, and you may feel as if -a hair was in the eye or -if it was scratched with a knife.
Symptoms are worse when in a warm room and better when going outside.
This is a remedy for seasonal allergic rhinitis in the summer when the sun is out and hot or anybody experiencing rhinitis from other causes.
This remedy has a particular characteristic where most symptoms feel worse in bright light, such as sunlight.
You may experience tearing, itching of the canthi, and burning of the eye. You may also feel:
- as if a foreign body was in the eye
- if the eyes were filled with salt.
The mouth and nose may feel dry. As a result, you can experience soreness of the nose.
Loss of smell or taste may accompany your symptoms.
The nasal discharge is thin and watery, and in some instances, it may resemble the white of an egg. But later it can turn into blockage with dryness of the nose.
This is a good remedy for helping with sneezing.
The person may also experience headaches with the symptoms and may even get a cold sore around the lips.
This is a particularly helpful remedy in homeopathy for allergic rhinitis, where the person feels stuffed up at night and outdoors.
You may experience photophobia worse in the morning when opening your eyes; you may find it difficult to tolerate light.
Your eyes may be so irritated that they are bloodshot, and you could suffer from conjunctivitis during the spring.
The lids of the eyes itch and burn.
The nose is blocked but runs water on one side. Eyes look red, and bloodshot.
There is a lot of unsatisfied urge to sneeze, feeling like about to sneeze but not getting there. Sneezing from feelings as if something crawling inside.
The person is very sensitive to strong odours or the smell of pollen.
Symptoms are worse in the early morning by drug prescriptions and stimulants such as coffee or alcohol and are better by naps or resting.

Remember to get deeper treatment to reduce your susceptibility to pollen and allergies! Meanwhile, use these homeopathic remedies for allergy relief!