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If you have come across information about using liquid homeopathic remedies online, you might be curious about the process of converting dry remedies into liquid form.

Due to the nature of homeopathy, it is very difficult to understand how homeopathic remedies work; however, by clinical observation,  we can see that liquid doses tend to work faster and more gentle, which is why it is often recommended when a faster repetition is needed such in acute conditions.

The Banerjies use some remedies in liquid for some of their protocols, indicating that they have seen better action than with dry doses.

You may have read online that when you combine two remedies, the combination becomes a different remedy. Again, this is one of the myths circulating, and this is not what Dr Banerji suggested.

In his biography, he states the following:

“Science says that at this dilution, these two things can not mix, and that is all we need to know. The microscope reveals that each component stays by itself; the molecules end up repelling each other. So in one bottle, if you mix Bryonia 30 and Ipecac 30, the patient will be ingesting both the medicines, not a hybrid”.

This means that even when working with several remedies on different layers on the Banerji Protocols or even Narayani remedies combinations, you still target those layers individually. Each remedy acts on something different, and together, they work in a harmonious group.

In my practice, I allow my patients to combine remedies to take them daily, as it does not make any difference to their case’s progression. Of course, I know what each remedy is prescribed for, and I follow that in each case follow-up. This is my job as a practitioner, which is essential to work with several layers simultaneously and I have developed my own method to track that.

So when to use homeopathic liquid remedies?

Sometimes you will be running an acute condition and may only have a few remedies. In that case, I advise turning the remedies into a liquid solution to ensure they have enough to finish the prescriptions.

Other times, you simply want them to take the remedy in liquid form, or the methodology calls for a liquid dose.

This is how I ask my patients to make liquid remedies!

Here are the instructions on how to make them.


1)Put 1 pill into a glass filled with 1/3 of water.​

2) You do not need for a remedy to dissolve to use it. It can be used straight away.

3) Take a teaspoon as a dose when needed.

4) For babies, a drop or a few drops from the spoon will be enough; don’t worry about the quantity, the amount of liquid is not important in homeopathy.

5) Store the remedy in a cool place or covered in the fridge. It will keep like this for a couple of days.

6) This liquid can also be put in an empty plastic bottle to take away on the day.​

7) You can use the same bottle to make the same remedy with the same potency, but if you are changing the potency,- let’s say you are taking Chamomilla 30 and wish to make Chamomilla 200- you will need to use a totally different glass or bottle-. Otherwise, you will add the two potencies if you use the same glass and any leftover water.

But if you use a combination remedy with two or more different potencies, that is ok.


1) Find a 20-30ml bottle dropper bottle in the chemist or any online shop.

2) Put a couple of pills (1 pill only if having only a couple left) in the bottle.

3) If this is for an adult or older child, please put 1/3 of the volume of Brandy or Vodka ( I tend to use Brandy, but this is just a preference) in the bottle and the rest of the water. The brandy acts as a preservative to avoid the growth of mould and bacteria, and the liquid can last for months if kept outside the fridge and much longer if kept inside the fridge. The higher the ratio of alcohol to water, the better the liquid will preserve.

4) The remedy is ready to be used.

5) Take 2-3 drops as a dose when needed. The quantity of drops is not relevant.

​6) Please use a different dropper bottle for a different potency, even if using the same remedy;

Let’s say you are taking Chamomilla 30 and wish to make Chamomilla 200– you will need to use a totally different glass or bottle-. Otherwise, you will add the two potencies if you use the same glass and any leftover water.


I think combination remedies are underused. There is plenty of evidence in our literature and through clinical experience that combinations work well, and each remedy works independently but works in harmony, supporting other remedies.

Combinations are great if you take several remedies twice daily or just want to stretch the remedy or save some money.

You can also make Dr Banerji combinations such as Arsen200+Hypericum 200 like this.

  • Follow the instructions above for making liquid remedies, and use your preferred method.
  • Put one pill of each remedy you want to combine on the liquid
  • It does not matter if they are different potencies; that is ok

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