Warts are caused by an infection of the skin with one of the Human Papilloma Virus family, and Thuja 30 is one of the most indicated remedies for warts. This remedy is highly effective for treating warts of any type and location on the body. I recommend starting with this remedy and considering other options only if this one does not provide relief.

 Warts cause the skin to grow to make it hard and thick.

However bad they look, they are harmless, but once we have a few, we can only notice them and want them gone as soon as possible.

​Warts can be located anywhere in the body and can differ in size and shape; some are large, some are small, thick or thin, raised or flat. 

Warts in children are common as their immune systems are not properly developed, and in adults, a large amount of warts indicate that the immune system is not working at its best.

thuja 30 for warts


Here is one of the most common homeopathic remedies indicated for warts which will clear a large portion of the cases although other remedies may be also needed:

  • Thuja 30 twice per day for some weeks or months, if slowly reducing until the warts are gone.
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In some cases where the warts are very stubborn, I recommend Thuja tincture painted on the wart 2-3 times per day, sometimes, that alone is able to get rid of the wart! But it has to be done for at least a month to assess the results.

I remember a case where the patient had gone several times to see a chiropodist regarding a plantar wart, but despite removing the wart, the root would always make it grow back.

​Thuja 30 in homeopathic potency was not helping much, so I advised painting the wart with Thuja tincture daily, and the wart was gone in a few weeks, to the patient’s delight!

Have a look at this blog to find homeopathic remedies for the most common skin conditions.


  • Antimonium Crudum 200 every other day
warts homeopathy Thuja


Thuja 30 : for warts around the genitalia. Take twice daily

Nitriticum Acidum 200: for large jagged warts that bleed when touched or washing. For warts that feel stinging or stitching sometimes. Take one dose every 3rd day.

Sepia 200: warts in young girls. Warts that tend to have black dots in them. Take one dose every 3r day

Causticum 200: warts close to the nails. Take one dose every 3rd day

Thuja 30: warts around the eyelids. Take this remedy twice daily

Staphysagria 200: warts that are sensitive to the touch. Take one dose every 3rd day

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