Over the years, I have treated many people that have benefited from homeopathy for homeopathic remedies for healing scar tissue after surgery, and it is also a fantastic way to aid post-surgical wound healing. Homeopathy can be a fantastic help for surgery, helping your recovery.

Many people nowadays are under the impression that homeopathy is a kind of psychological healing approach given the later homeopathic trends; therefore,  not many people realise that homeopathy is just as effective in treating acute conditions such as post-surgery complaints.

​We have wonderful remedies to cover most acute complications, which work nicely with conventional medicines.

Below are some of the most usual remedies prescribed after surgical procedures, but the list is incomplete.


Aconite 200 : 3 times per day for a couple of days before or Aconite 200 am/pm the day before the operation and as needed. For very anxious patients, I often ask them to put a pill in a bottle of water and sip it during the day as often as needed, you can learn how to convert dry doses into liquid remedies here.

You can adjust to how much you need to sip it, and both ways are effective. It can be taken if fear persists after the operation.

Arsenicum Album 30c: for those that are feeling very restless and need to be pacing up and down before the day. One dose every 2-3 hours.

Have a look at more anxiety remedies here



I dislike prescribing Arnica before the operation unless it is cardiovascular or brain surgery.

However, Arnica is wonderful for avoiding post-surgical complications like thrombosis or infarction in these cases. In this case, give a single dose of Arnica 200 or 1M before the operation.

You have probably read online on homeopathy groups the following question: I will have an operation; what shall I take? Only to get lots of recommendations to take Arnica a few days before the surgery.

Let me explain why I personally don’t do that.

Have you heard about surgeons asking patients not to take Arnica before an operation? I think they are correct, although probably for the wrong reason. Obviously, they have observed something, blood is more fluid during the surgery, which may be a problem depending on the type of surgery.

I once had a patient who had undergone abdominal surgery. This patient was under the care of another homeopath at the time, and she had been given one dose of Arnica 1M before the operation. When they had finished, the surgeons asked the family if he was on any blood thinners as they had trouble regulating the bleeding during the surgery and were puzzled about it.

Probably this is why surgeons do not want patients to take Arnica before the operation. But they have observed that Arnica is good for brain or cardiovascular operations to avoid clotting.

So don’t ever be afraid to use Arnica; maybe do not just before having surgery.

After any operation, if there is not much bleeding, a few doses of Arnica 30 or 200  will help with the trauma and avoid infection. You can prescribe it every 3 hours or 3 times per day for a few days to a week.

If there is active bleeding, Arnica 3c+Hamamelis 200 will be most helpful for this.

Most remedies can be taken 3-4 times per day if the symptoms are not too distressing; otherwise, they can be taken every hour or so until relief is found.

For pain relief, of course, the remedy repetition can be as often as needed at the rhythm of the pain. This would be different from wound healing, where we would expect a much longer process; accordingly, the remedies would need to be prescribed less often and over a longer period.

However, for pain or discomfort,  if, after 6 repeated doses, absolutely nothing happens, then a new remedy must be found.  


Hypericum 200c: this is an important remedy for nerve injury and is most likely needed with incisive wounds of parts reached in nerves. An important remedy to consider in limb amputations and spinal operations. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT PAIN REMEDY IN HOMEOPATHY AFTER SURGERY.

Magnesium Phosphoricum 200c: the great antispasmodic remedy for neuralgic pains and colic, therefore a good remedy after abdominal surgery where there is colic with flatulence. 

Colocynthis 200c: can also be useful, and the patient can feel very angry with his condition. Colocynthis follows Staphysagria very nicely in abdominal operations.

​Staphysagria 200c: in abdominal operations, Staphysagria is preferred after the operation, which suits clear-cut incisions. It is nicely complemented by Bellis Perennis 200, which acts in deeper tissue, is better than Arnica after major abdominal surgical work.

Chamomilla 200c: also called the “opium of Homeopathy”.  Colic or pain after surgical procedures. The pain is so intense that it demands instant relief. This is a good remedy for pain that stems from oversensitivity after abuse of narcotics, often within the first few days after a big surgery. The pain generates a bad temper and irritability, which can not be appeased.​

Ruta 200c: any operation involving cartilage or periosteum will likely need this remedy at some stage. This is a great remedy to consider for knee or hip replacement and in any orthopaedic surgery.

Symphytum 200c: is indicated for wounds penetrating the bone, so it is also a good pain remedy for any orthopaedic surgery and can be+ combined with Hypericum 200 for pain. 


Belladonna3c/30c: this remedy is particularly useful if there is pain from inflammation with fever after the operation.

Use the 3c for abdominal pain and the 30c for general inflammation.

Belladonna is the best first option if there is inflammation from infection, wound or a medical procedure. Pain, redness, heat and swelling are the first symptoms of an inflammatory process, which is your body’s protective response to a pathogen or cell injury to initiate tissue repair.

It should be repeated every hour to every 3 hours, alternating with any other remedies needed.

This remedy is also useful for colic of the gallbladder or kidney that develops suddenly. A 30 c or 200c every few hours will help reduce the inflammation.

Homeopathy after surgery


Phosphorus 30: this is the first remedy for post-operative vomiting to think of. 

Carbo veg 30: may be better suited if the patient is cold and sweaty and wants more air; he feels as if there is not enough air around (may want to be fanned).

Nux-vomica 30: It also needs to be considered if there is much retching but it does not lead to vomiting.

Ipecac 30c: a feeling of continuous nausea that is not better by vomiting. 

A few doses of 30c every hour or so until the patient feels better and thereafter when needed, will be sufficient.


Pyrogen 200 acts in homeopathy like a general antibiotic in cases where fever continues for a long period after the surgery, maybe even weeks, and the infection does not respond to antibiotics.

​Apart from the fever, the pulse is very fast, out of proportion to the temperature.

Pyrogen may need to be repeated every 3 hours if there is an infection on top of any other remedies.

Hepar 6c: every 3 hours until better, gradually decreasing to twice daily until all clear

Have a look at some practical examples on this blog.


The Banerjies use Hypericum200+Arsenicum200 for any soft tissue infection and wound healing. It can be used every 3 hours and reduced to twice daily as it continues to improve.

Homeopathic remedies for surgical wound healing


Calendula 6c,30c: it is a great remedy for healing internal or external wounds after surgery and works very nicely after Staphysagria and Bellis-perennis. It will also prevent infection at the wound site.

It can be used 2-3 times per day for as long as it is needed.

Calendula can also be used in a herbal tincture in dilution on dressings after surgery or to heal any wounds.

I have prescribed it after abdominal surgery, where there is scarring in the tissue confirmed by test results. I have often also prescribed Carcinosin 200 or 1M as intercurrent or ongoing in the treatment.


The Banerjies use this protocol for Bed Sores.

  • Hepar Sulph 200+Arsenicum 200 . Take 2-3 times per day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.


Raphanus 30c: a good remedy for trapped wind after surgery which can be quite common.

Also, consider Carbo veg 30c if there is lots of distension and offensive wind.

Lycopodium 200 twice per day is very helpful in reducing gas and the pain associated with it.  

Use Colocynthis 200c+ Nux vom 30 if there are cramps and pain every 2-3 hours.

Take a dose every other hour for very intense symptoms or three times per day for less intense symptoms.


Ledum 200 twice daily is the main remedy for any problems or pain after puncture wounds. For instance

  • after a biopsy
  • insertion of a cannula
  • after inserting an IV catheter
  • intravenous drip or infusion
  • after a blood test

Hypericum, 200 2-3 times per day, is very useful for

  • pain following lumbar punctures or spinal taps.
  • Hypericum is indicated in any procedure that involves an area rich in sensory nerves.

Of course, you should add of Arnica 200 twice daily if there are hematomas.

Homeopathic remedies for scar tissue after surgery


Post-surgical adhesions most frequently develop after abdominal surgery. Homeopathy can be used in these cases even if the surgery was performed years ago!

Staphysagria  200 every other day can be helpful in cleaning the adhesions

Thiosinaminum in 6x is an excellent remedy for scar tissue that has become contracted and thickened. This remedy has the power to dissolve thick scar tissue after surgical operations but it should be used twice per day for several months.

Graphites 200 one dose every 3rd day is one of the important homeopathic remedies for healing scar tissue after surgery that is painful.


For Keloids use :

  • Fluoricum Acidum 200 every other day


Constipation is a very common problem after surgery.

Lack of physical activity and medications such as opioid analgesia and other medications are usually the main cause.

Nux vomica 30c twice per day is an excellent first remedy to start with. It acts as a liver cleanser and helps to regulate peristalsis.

Alumina 200c if there is no desire for a stool at all, use twice per day. Inactivity of the rectum and bowels.

Opium 30 twice per day. This is another remedy often indicated after the use of opioid analgesia that creates paralysis of the intestines.


  • Lycopodium200+Plumbum Metallicum 200 twice per day

​I hope your surgical procedure goes well and the operation gives you satisfactory results and improves your quality of life.

​I have put those remedies together to give you the best possible healing!

Also, learn how often to repeat the remedies according to the symptoms and intensity with the free guide above.

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